–[ Sponsors:
We are still looking for sponsors. Entrance fees and sponsors fees are used to fund international speakers travel costs and hosting facility. Please ask for
the HES2012 Sponsor Kit at hes-orga __AT__ lists.hackitoergosum.org.
–[ Volunteers:
Volunteers who sign up before 2012-03-05 get free access and will need to be present onsite two days before (2012-04-09) if no further arrangement is made with the organization.
–[ Journalists:
In an attempt to educate the media and increase their actual competence when discussing subjects such as hacking and information security, journalists are welcome. But journalists are also required to comply with some simple rules to ensure the mutual respect among adults we aim to bring in hackito. In particular, filming or taking pictures of attendees without their _prior_ agreement is totally prohibited. “We shall respect privacy and people” is the only motto. We do respect and encourage freedom of press, but in return, journalists are entiteled to follow the #1 rule of hacking : the right to anonymity and privacy. Hackers have the right to come to HES without being filmed, pictured, or otherwise monitored in this environment. This may sound as a surprise to you, but as citizens of the internet, we believe we have more rights than maybe your government is granting you.
Comply or leave : our rights has hackers are not negociable in our own conference.
–[ Greetz:
We would like to thank the HES2011 crew, its reviewing committee and all the volunteers for their time and dedication in making this event a success.
Thumbs up to the /tmp/lab hackerspace for their support and the final HES party which was a tremendous success.
We would also like to greet all the speakers of last year’s edition for the quality of their presentation and the great time we shared in Paris : you are
most welcome back in Paris for the 2012 edition.
Likewise, we’d like to thank last year’s sponsors for their unconditional support. Feel free to support us again for this 2012 edition.
Finally, we would like to thank all the people who came and participated in the two previous editions : the conference is the people.
See you all in April 2012 !
–[ F*ck off:
As security experts and citizens of the internet, we do oppose liberticide laws from day 1. We do oppose ACTA, SOPA, Hadopi, Lopsi2, internet sensorship
of any kind (even against pedophiles, terrorists and other scapegoats) and we remain strong advocates of net neutrality.
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