About Hackito Ergo Sum
The Hackito Ergo Sum conference will be held in Paris from the 12th to the 14th of April of 2012.
For this third edition of HES, we will keep the recipe that made the success of the two previous editions : hardcore technical R&D content, and a 100% non profit relaxed atmosphere.
Given the quality achieved in previous years (talks first given at HES have then attracted most of the attention at other major conferences last year), HES will also remain 100% in English, as the only true international security conference in France.
We insist on the fact that the conference is open to anyone, from any background, from any age, from any corner of the web. The call for paper is open until the 1st of March, to new speakers and confirmed security experts alike. RTFM^H CFP for instructions on how to submit.
Topics discussed during HES cover anything security related, from hardware to protocols and application layers. Reverse Engineering,
exploit writing, vulnerability discovery and automation are some of the subjects of interest. We praise new research, as well as credible offensive content (as in “practical” and “demos”). To the opposite, non vendor neutral talks will be systematically rejected. Average pentest report won’t do either : it needs to be new, hard, and sexy. If your talk is defensive but explicitly discusses new attacks from a technical standpoint, feel free to submit. Emails containing gross words such as xss and clickjacking are automatically sent to /dev/null.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that HES isn’t a Company, but a spin off the non profit Parisian hackerspace called /tmp/lab. HES is organized by hackers, for hackers.
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